
31 March 2021

Introduction to the Polyvagal Theory in the treatment of trauma

26 May 2021

Polyvagal Theory: Demonstration and Questions

Time of workshops: 18:00-19:30


ConsultUS (Pty) Ltd

Tel:  021 205 7381

SunĂ© van Rooyen: sunevr@consultus.co.za


 Workshops Milton Erickson Institutes of South Africa

Please take note that due to COVID 19 the workshops will be presented as online workshops/webinars till further notice. 
CPD Accredited

29 April - 2 May 2021(4 days)

Fundamental training in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy

28 May 2021 (1 day)

Ego State Therapy Group Supervision

6 September 2021 (1 day)

Ego State Therapy Group Supervision

Workshop fees: R1000.00 per day for South African participants

Registration and information: info@meisa.co.za 



For any further information please contact Hanlé Marais at hanle@meisa.co.za